“The Covid-19 crisis turned social life on a global scale upside down but it also is a moment to rethink and to imagine an alternative future.”
The project “About You” carries in its essence the notion of caring for the “other”, the “stranger”, the unfamiliar. The public performance initiates personal encounters in public space in which the possibilities of opening undirected conversations with a passer-by are explored. The aim of the public intervention is to create a moment in time in which people might feel heard, seen, and appreciated. It is an attempt to transform the experience of public encounters from suspicion into trust.
An additional part of the project “about You!” is an artist-led performance workshop in which participants are first invited to experiment with various communication techniques in a workshop seting and in a second step to try themselves to interact with passers-by in public.
Dimitri van den Wittenboer
Dimitri van den Wittenboer (artist)
Leyla de Muynck (performer)
Erik Kamaletdinov (photographer),
Tommy Köhlbrugge (photographer)
A-Lonely Show, Sexyland, Amsterdam;
Kifl The Kid Salon, Billytown, The Hague;
Hoodlab container, Staatliedenbuurt, Amsterdam.